Coupe Mondiale Qualification


Each year, the AAA holds a Qualification round where young accordionists have the opportunity to represent their country at the Coupe Mondiale.

For complete information on Coupe Mondiale categories and requirements, please visit

If you wish to participate in the annual AAA qualifying round, please contact AAA Secretary, Rita Davidson Barnea with questions and the category you wish to enter, no later than June 30. Email:

The entry fee is $30 for AAA members. Non-members are required to pay an additional $65 which will entitle them to one year membership to the AAA.

Upcoming Events

Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser, September 15, 2024 Famee Furlane Club, NY.

2024 AAA 86th Anniversary Festival Daily Reports

July 12-14, 2024
Marriott Philadelphia West
Conshohocken, PA 19428

Friday July 12, Daily Report
Saturday July 13, Daily Report
Sunday July 14, Daily Report

2023 AAA 85th Anniversary Festival Daily Reports

July 12-16, 2023

2023 AAA Color Journal (47 pages)
Wednesday July 12, Daily Report
Thursday July 13, Daily Report
Friday July 14, Daily Report
Saturday July 15, Daily Report
Sunday July 16, Daily Report

AAA History Articles

Historical Articles about the AAA by AAA Historian Joan Grauman Morse

Music Commissions

Original works commissioned by the AAA since 1957

Recent articles:
Four Commissioned Works for Intermediate Level

Paul Creston: Embryo Suite

Download Composer's Guide to the Piano Accordion

AAA Newsletters

Latest newsletters are now online.