Message from the President

Dear Members and Friends,

Welcome to the American Accordionists’ Association!

Exciting news about the upcoming 2024 AAA Festival in Conshohocken, PA

The AAA Board has been busy making many exciting changes and additions to this year’s festival, which will take place from July 12-14, 2024. This consolidated schedule will be packed with events, performers, workshops and food functions beginning with a gala luncheon on Friday, July 12. This will cut down the amount of hotel nights needed, but not the amount of wonderful activities!

We are delighted to announce our incredible guest artists: Hanzhi Wang, Joseph Natoli, Dallas Vietty and this year’s festival orchestra conductor Frank Busso, Sr. More performers will be announced as plans firm up.

Meanwhile, please save the date and join us for this special event! Along with performances and workshops, there will be competitions for students of all ages and proficiency levels. There will be performance opportunities for all attendees, three festival orchestras, vendors, exhibits and several food functions with live music.

Please visit this website for soon to be released hotel discount code, guest artist releases and other festival announcements.

Hope to see you there!!

Musically yours,

Frank Busso, Jr.
AAA President


Welcome to the American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) website. Here you will find information about the oldest accordion association in the United States, which celebrated its 85th anniversary last year! The website is divided into several sections:

About – includes a brief mission statement, message from the President, names of the AAA Board members, AAA affiliations, and a link for contacting the AAA.

Events – includes links to future events, including the upcoming AAA Festival, AAA Virtual Workshops, Coupe Mondiale Qualification, Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition, and Carmen Carrozza Memorial Competition.

Publications – includes breaking news, current and previous newsletters, YouTube videos, link to AAA’s Facebook page, and links to other national and international publications.

Membership – includes general membership information, membership application, and a link for contacting the AAA.

History – includes information about past presidents, champions, music commissions and events, as well as articles about the AAA history.

Search – this link will enable you to search the AAA website using keywords.

We hope you enjoy navigating around the website, and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!

Click the red link below to view the 2018 and 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports pictures and videos.

Daily Reports:

AAA 80th Anniversary Festival

AAA 85th Anniversary Festival

From the President

Welcome and thank you for visiting our web-site.

Our gifted and talented Board Members work tirelessly ensuring the continuing success of this unique organization. The American Accordionists’ Association will be celebrating it’s 86th Anniversary, this year; so, don’t wait.

Become a member now and be a part of our up and coming events. We hope that you will benefit as an active associate and support the oldest Accordion Association in the United States.

» Read more

Upcoming Events

Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser, September 15, 2024 Famee Furlane Club, NY.

2024 AAA 86th Anniversary Festival Daily Reports

July 12-14, 2024
Marriott Philadelphia West
Conshohocken, PA 19428

Friday July 12, Daily Report
Saturday July 13, Daily Report
Sunday July 14, Daily Report

2023 AAA 85th Anniversary Festival Daily Reports

July 12-16, 2023

2023 AAA Color Journal (47 pages)
Wednesday July 12, Daily Report
Thursday July 13, Daily Report
Friday July 14, Daily Report
Saturday July 15, Daily Report
Sunday July 16, Daily Report

AAA History Articles

Historical Articles about the AAA by AAA Historian Joan Grauman Morse

Music Commissions

Original works commissioned by the AAA since 1957

Recent articles:
Four Commissioned Works for Intermediate Level

Paul Creston: Embryo Suite

Download Composer's Guide to the Piano Accordion

AAA Newsletters

Latest newsletters are now online.