Attention Festival Competitors

Festival 2021 Competition Categories will be virtual this year.

Rules, Regulations and Entry Forms will be included with the next Newsletter and are here online.
Download:     2021Rules.pdf       2021Entry.pdf

Categories will include all the Open and Standard Categories you have seen in the past with the ADDITION of the new AAA Honors Categories.

Performance Requirements for the Honors Categories will include one piece from a Required Music List for the age category selected, along with a Choice Selection of classical, open or original music for accordion (no pop, ethnic or jazz).

1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded along with a cash award for 1st place in each division.

Looking forward to seeing you virtually.

Required Music List for Honors Categories:

Must perform ONE of the pieces indicated below, plus one Choice Piece of classical, open or original music for accordion – no pop, ethnic or jazz is allowed. All music is available for purchase through by clicking the “Click Here for Music for the AAA Festival” text in the slider window – or at the following link:

Category Music Title Composer
Juniorette (up to 9): Velocity
Junior (up to 12): Autumn Breezes
Sea Breeze
Intermediate (up to 15): Cascade
Tail Spin
Senior (16 & over): Pioneer Concerto
Four Nocturnes,
Virtuoso (up to 32): Omaggio A Pietro
Remembering A Legend
Adult (no age restrictions: Tranquillo Overture,
Prelude & Scherzo

AAA Festival 2021 Canceled

It is with great disappointment that due to the current situation concerning the world pandemic (Covid 19) the AAA Executive Board and Board of Directors have made the necessary decision to cancel the AAA Festival July 14-18, 2021 in West Philadelphia.

We are committed to public safety, including that of our many loyal attendees, guests and performing artists and to help support our nation’s strong efforts to help control the spread of COVID-19, we join a long list of events that have already been cancelled. Although the pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways, we always find a silver lining.

Look for AAA's new digital ventures through online lectures, seminars, concerts competitions, and the AAA Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony/concert honoring Linda Solely Reed. It will make it easy for us to communicate without missing a beat.

There's a wonderful world on Zoom waiting for you! We are looking forward to seeing all our fellow accordionists online. Be safe, stay well and keep the faith!

Happy Holidays to All.
Joseph Ciccone, President of the AAA

2025 AAA 87th Anniversary Festival Daily Reports

July 10-13, 2025
Festival Information

Latest News

2025 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition

2025-2027 AAA Executive Board take office 1st January.

AAA History Articles

Historical Articles about the AAA by AAA Historian Joan Grauman Morse
Recent articles:
1939: Accordion History is Made

Music Commissions

Historical and analytical articles by Robert Young McMahan. Recent articles:
1999 AAA Commissions
Creston Fantasy

AAA Newsletters

Latest newsletters are now online.