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AAA Music Commissions

Video: Samuel Adler discussing his Canto XVIII with Beverly Curnow (who premiered the stradella version at a previous event) and Robert McMahan (who would premiere the free bass version at this concert).

They were members of a pre-concert discussion panel of performers and/or composers participating in this, the fourth of a series of AAA- and City College of New York (CUNY)-sponsored programs of contemporary concert works for or including accordion, produced and moderated by McMahan. The other panelists seen in this excerpt and who discussed other works on the program are accordionists William Schimmel and Mary Tokarski; pianist and daughter of one of the composers on the program (Todor Vasilev Gerov), Dessie Vaughan; and dancer/choreographer Micki Goodman. Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY, October 10, 2008.

The AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee welcomes donations from all those who love the classical accordion and wish to see its modern original concert repertoire continue to grow. The American Accordionists’ Association is a 501(c)(3) corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law. They can easily be made by visiting the AAA Store at which allows you to both make your donation and receive your tax deductible receipt on the spot.

For additional information, please contact Dr. McMahan at