Dear Members and Friends,
Welcome to the American Accordionist's Association and Happy New Year. As the new year starts we have had elections for the Executive Board. I am happy and excited to have accepted the nomination and election as its new president and I am committed to make a positive impact to the organization. I know the other members of the Executive Committee are also excited about their roles and starting to think about plans for the 2025 year. This Committee consists of the following individuals:
President (Comptroller) - Don Gerundo
First Vice President - Joan Grauman Morse
Second Vice President - Mike Silvia
Secretary - Rita Davidson Barnea
Treasurer - Ray Oreggia
I want to thank Frank Busso Jr. for handing the "presidential baton" to me and has made the transition as smooth as silk. I want to also commend him and his father Frank Busso Sr. for hosting a wonderful festival last year. Frank Sr. conducted the orchestra and the participants are still sending in their accolades to the AAA and him. Thank you Frank! Of course there were many other people that were instrumental in making the festival a success. Joanna Darrow, Bob McMahan, Beverly Curnow, Mike Silvia, Dee Langley as well as our talented artists who performed so beautifully.
As you know, the AAA has been around since 1938 which in many ways is a world away from 2025. Many things have changed since that time. The internet, the popularity of the Accordion, Styles and Genres of music, how music is distributed, streamed, popularized. It is a new world to say the least. This year one of my plans is to take a look at the organization and ask how is it adding value to the Accordion Community. Are there things that we can do to better to serve this community and how can we be more relevant in 2025. The AAA is the oldest accordion association in America and was started in 1938. Certainly many things have changed since that time. The way we listen to music, musical styles, differences in popular music, classical music, the acceptance and knowledge of the accordion…. the list goes on.
2025 AAA 87th Anniversary Festival Daily ReportsJuly 10-13, 2025 Latest News2025 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition 2025-2027 AAA Executive Board take office 1st January. AAA History ArticlesHistorical Articles about the AAA by AAA Historian Joan Grauman Morse Music CommissionsHistorical and analytical articles by Robert Young McMahan. Recent articles:
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