- To provide the media and public with information to stimulate an increasing awareness of, knowledge about, and appreciation for the accordion.
- To promote unity within the accordion community by encouraging cooperation among members and with their organizations which work on behalf of the instrument.
- To set and maintain high standards for those interested in the accordion, thereby working to facilitate and coordinate the various segments of the accordion world.
- To increase the number of people playing and studying the accordion with a particular emphasis on young people.
- To honor achievement throughout the accordion community.
- To organize, sponsor and support competition for accordionists at all levels and dispense scholarships and/or honors to those who distinguish themselves through outstanding performance.
- To organize, sponnsor and support workshops, advancing educational standards and artistic levels of accordion enthusiasts.
- To promote communication among segments of the accordion world.
- To assist all accordion-related organizations with a forum for discussion of matters affecting the accordion in particular, and music in general, both nationally and internationally.
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